Why Blog?

3 05 2010

Doors to I don't know where in colonial Puebla, Mexico

Why blog?

If, as Ben Franklin said, “What you do with your time is what you do with your life,” why invest it in blogging?  Is there a payback?  A return on investment?

My motive for blogging and becoming more active on Facebook (meaning I had a Facebook account for 18 months without looking at it or remembering my password) is to keep in touch with the younger half of our congregation and the world.

As my 16-year-old son keeps saying, “If Facebook was a country it would be the fourth largest nation in the world.”  In April it had 410 million registered members.  The US population is over 309 million as of May 3, 2010.

  • It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million users.
  • Television took 13 years to reach 50 million users.
  • It took 4 years for the internet to reach 50 million users.
  • In 3 years the iPod reached 50 million users.
  • Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months.
  • One in eight couples who married last year met online.
  • Wikipedia has over 13 million articles.  78% of them are non-English.

Asbury Seminary President Timothy Tennent wrote, “Asbury (think Tabernacle and the church in general) must continue to understand how information is accessed, how it is passed on, and how we can utilize this for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our use of he Internet superhighway is similar to Paul’s own use of the Roman road system in his mission strategy i the first century.”

So I blog for the Gospel’s sake.



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